As a part of the transition of ownership of the hospital and compound from Interact (EFK) to MBA, a development project was designed to create conditions for a successful transition. The project, which is funded by SIDA (via SMC) was scheduled to run from July 2007-2009.
The project consists of leadership training, office and management systems upgrades and improved networking. A key component is to break the isolation of Mpongwe.
The leadership team has entered into this with a learning spirit and many parts of the organization have been impacted. Leaders have taken on a journey of discovery, drawing on the experience and knowledge of other organizations. Professional educators were retained for some of the training and numerous volunteers have assisted with computer training, building projects and specialist training.
Phase 1 of the development project (2007-2009) includes the following elements:
Leadership Training
Training for Board and Management (Sept – Nov 2007) covering Boards role and responsibility, Management course on organization, strategically issues, planning, budgeting, project management, finances, Human Resource, follow up, etc). More details listed below.
Specialist training in Accounting (Aug 2007), Human Resources (Feb 2008)
Program for equipping emerging leaders. Plan completed by Nov 2007 for training in early 2008 (delayed to 2009)
Training for Pastor’s and elders on their role as a leader of the Church and the Churches call and role in civil society. Plan completed by Nov 2007 for training in early 2008.
Hospital Management training program for Hospital Manager and Senior Medical Officer and identified future potential leaders. Also Special Nurses training for Sister in Charge
Management Tools (System upgrades) and Office Premises upgraded
Computerization of MBA and the Hospital Finance / Accounting & Human Resource and Health care including patients files, reports, statistics, etc. Includes steps: conducting a need analysis of tools and methods, purchasing and installing Hardware & Software, Train the users, Train management to understand the data now available and make decisions based on the data. Learnt to Benchmark against other hospitals. Improve contact with CHAZ, Government Health organizations, etc and Transfer existing files to new system.
Adjust physical office space to fit a modern, computerized office administration both at MBA offices and at the MMH Hospital. Includes remodeling of existing buildings to create an administrative block for Management, Administration, and Accounting & Human Resource. Remodeling of Filing / Registry area.
HR department will be set up and computerized.
Train a local IT person who can handle the Computers, the Computer Network, Computer communications, Internet, etc. Desirable to have a volunteer willing to be in Mpongwe for 1 to 2 years during implementation.
Improve information about MBA. Produce and distribute a leaflet / prospectus on MBA and the Hospital, Create a MMH Website (you are now reading it!) and introduce a Newsletter (sign up now!)
Purchase necessary equipment to make telephones, fax and Internet work.
Find ways of increase the exposure to new findings in the medical and health care fields. This can be through participation in conferences, via Internet, etc
Participate in conferences / seminars, etc., where new donors can be found, both in Zambia and abroad.
An exchange program where leaders MBA and MMH can visit Sweden in order to learn about Interact and gain experience from different fields or areas (church and hospital management).
MBA Development Project team, Phase 1
Mr Tuesday Musaka, Mr Edwin Chipelelo, Mr. Patrice Mutakela, Dr. Eleke Okoko, Mr Moses Mbulo, Mr Guy Changole, Pst. Rodwell Chinyakasa, Mr. Cosmas Chibanda, Amos Shiyenge, Miss Nambala Michelo, Mr. Denis Mulongoti, Mr Claes Paulsson, Mr Urban Wijk
Our thanks to the team of people who put in a huge amount of effort to initiate Phase 1 including our long-term partners from Interact – Gudrun Boström, Irma Janzon, Fredrik Karlsson and others, SMC and SIDA, as well as the many supporters and volunteers who have assisted us as we work through the budgets, reports and modules.
How is it going? It has been very intense and very valuable!
See pictures and read about our progress
and Next Phases