- A detailed project plan was established, spanning all major activities in the project for the full three year project time.
- Project leader / project coordinator and support personnel were hired and working since July 2007 (project start). The project leader and the project accountant are working fulltime with the Development Project and a project administrator is employed 25%. We began looking for a project secretary at 50%.
- A project group has been put together of both men and women who functions as a steering committee. The project leader calls monthly meeting of the group where timing and project related decisions are discussed and taken. The meetings are minuted.
- MBA sees that the development of MBA leadership that begun with the handover process from InterAct to MBA continued the first six months of the project. Potential leaders were identified including 3 women. These selected leaders (both existing and potential) attended an advanced Leadership and Management training program.
- Focus was on training of the Board and the Management. MBA engaged CORAT, Kenya for the training. Content of the training has been on Leadership and Management skill, team work, conflict resolution, budgeting, follow up, and many more areas. This has been very good for us and very challenging.
MBA Board Training
October 29th to November 2nd 2007Objective:
Provide insight into the effective integration of performance, compliance and harmony creating roles
Enable board members and staff understand and interpret the principles of best practice in leadership and governance
Provide skills for strategic thinking and planning, visioning, mission and values.
Training content:
- Stewardship and accountability
- Role and functions of the boards
- Board Dynamics
- Getting the Board to think strategically
- Guides to strategy development
- Strategic analysis and strategic Direction
- Role of Management and the Director
- Organizational vision/mission/values
- Resource mobilization and sustainability
MBA Management training content
Nov 2007- Feb2008Objective:
- Provide participants with insights and broad understanding of leadership and management
- Development in participants, practical abilities in some key management areas
- Enable participant apply their abilities on key issues of management in hospital and project areas
Module 1 (5th to 9th November 2007)
- Stewardship and Accountability
- Organizational and personal integrity
- Servant leadership
- Effective communication
- Time management and delegation
- Motivation
Module 2 (11th to 15th February 2008)
- Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
- Budgeting and Budgetary control
- Financial Management
- Resource Management and sustainability
- Project Management and Leadership
Module 3 (18th to 22nd February 2008)
- Managing change
- Managing conflict
- Team building
- Participatory development approaches
- Developing challenges in Africa
- Effective meetings
- Considerable effort went into explaining the project to the many people who are involved in it or recipients of training (project team, board, hospital staff, guest house staff, denomination leaders, Women’s Wing etc.). This has been important so that people book time for the training, understand what the project will and will not cover, but more importantly that they make a mind-shift toward the implications of ownership and sustainability.
- Mr. Claes Paulsson from Sweden was a very helpful advisor and mentor during the startup of the project. He was here three weeks in July and two weeks in November and his visits brought focus and guidance in a very positive way for the kick off of the project. His many years of experience have been extremely good as we have taken our first step in project management. The project is so large and can be overwhelming. Much time was spent clarifying the details of the project and prioritizing the various steps. Visual tools (charts and graphs) that bring order to the project have been helpful. Mr. Paulsson has continued to support us via IP phone every third week with minuted project meetings. Focus has been on budget planning and activities. Mr. Paulsson gave needed expertise and encouragement, as well as mentoring in basic leadership principles and support in the hiring process. Mr. Paulsson was also instrumental in assisting Mr. Musaka in leading the necessary “mind-shift” that is now taking place.
Planning for the next phases of training began (HR, Accounting, Church leaders, Computer training etc). The process of selecting who will attend the next training phases, selecting people to do the training, clarifying exactly what needs to be covered etc has taken considerable time. Options were identified, narrowed down and booked.
- As a result of the management training the hospital management defined a vision statement and identified an area that is in great need of change (Nursing care). Discussions for how to address this began. Solutions identified include the need for support in basic change management, training, and HR-policies in hiring, revamping reporting routines etc.
- The process of networking with other organizations trying hard to break the isolation began. Already after 6 months we see results of increased networking. There is an increased funding through different partners/donors. The relation to the State through CHAZ is good and MBA was refunded for pensions (NAPSA) from CHAZ. A key issue for us is to increase the trust and relationship further with both domestic and international partners. The improved financial control of the Hospital and MBA is a big help for us to build that trust. We also have excellent cooperation with Interact in Sweden.
Four of us traveled to South Africa during October to attend a leadership conference and meet with Churches and Church organizations who are potential partners. Talks began with some of those contacts. This has been a positive development.
- We have been in contact with organizations in the UK. These contacts will be explored further during 2008.
- A newsletter was started. The first issue was distributed in December. A list of e-mail addresses was created for the distribution.
- An interim website has been launched as a way of increasing information to current and future donors and volunteers. A webpage needs to be developed. A local university has been identified that can provide services developing that.
- An introduction letter has been prepared that can be given to potential donors. Initial response from this has been positive and new partnerships are being developed.
- Upgrade in management tools started up immediately and we see progress in the renovation of the MBA offices (partly) and the planning for the renovation of the Hospital Administration offices. Much work is still to be done but we are very pleased to see the improvement so that the office area will function much better by these changes.
- As for computerization we have started and set up the accounting for the development project on a PC based accounting system.
- The Hospital was audited during 2007. Within the project we will follow up on this with improved routines and systems. The control of the financial situation has improved, but we are working on better systems for internal control (computerization of the accounting). The financial situation has begun to improve as donors show increased trust in the handling of the money.
- Some office renovations took place at the MBA offices like painting and repair work. The offices are now in a state that they are suitable for an efficient administration.
- Major purchases during the first 6 months have been (inventories):
- Systems: computer accounting software (Pastell) and a printer for the office.
- Furniture: One desk for the Project Managers office, four office chairs to the MBA offices, and 15 simple chairs for the training room. Tables where bought from the MBA workshop for the training room. One white board was bought for the project office to assist in planning. One refrigerator for the MBA offices for cold beverages and food for guests etc during meetings. An asset list is in place in regard to all items bought for the project.
System upgrade: Mr. Paulsson and volunteers spent considerable time assisting with getting functional computers set up for the MBA office, including cleaning older computers from viruses and extracting necessary data from them, getting functioning used computers set up with proper (English) operating systems and software. As computer literacy is limited much assistance is needed before computers can be used with ease. Finding local people who can provide qualified computer support is challenging. A detailed plan was established for the system upgrades including request bids from stores and internet providers, as well as planning to get the computers, set up a training room and get the training going. Focus will first be on accounting and then on the registry and medical filing.
- Functional office supplies for filing and organizing were arranged. Older pieces of furniture where refurbished (painted, sanded, recovered) so that they were more functional.
- Considerable time was spent setting up a separate bank account for the project as well as defining accounting systems and reporting routines.
- Planning systems are rudimentary and effort has been made to assist in way to improve.
Photos of the “Before”, “During” and “After”, Management Tools Upgrade of MBA offices 2007
How is it going since then? It has been very intense and valuable! See pictures and read about our progress
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