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NETWORK Do you have contacts with a person or an organisation that could fund one of our needs? Please tell your contacts about us! INVOLVE OTHERS Support us by connecting us to fundraising events. Involve your church or your business. CONNECT Connect us to donors such as philanthropies or aid organizations.     Thank you!

Contact Information

MBA – Mpongwe Baptist Association Address PO Box 112MpongweZambia E-mail Phone +260 212 482082 Skype   MMH – Mpongwe Mission Hospital Address PO Box 90096LuanshyaZambia E-mail Phone +260 212 482073 MBA Senior Management Team and Secretariat   Mr Adamson Chimba Shamfuti Director or +260 967997511 Mr Langson Makule General Secretary …

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Map of Africa and Zambia

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Mpongwe Mission is located in Mpongwe District,the Copperbelt Province of Zambia, southwest ofthe mining towns of Ndola and Luanshya. Show in Google Earth