

Church Impact

Churches’ Roll in Civil Society The focus of MBA has since its beginning been on preaching the gospel and bring people to relationship with Christ. Church leaders have watched the increase of vulnerability, poverty and disease and in recent years started to explore ways in which churches can play a more active roll in civil …

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Pastors and Leaders

The Church and HIV/AIDS Training for Pastors and Church Leaders In August 2008 MBA held training for 80 key Church Leaders and Pastors as a part of the Development Project. This five day event focused on The Church and HIV/AIDS, with training in sex and sexuality, four levels of human happiness and HIV/AIDS preventions. The training was conducted …

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Women’s Wing

Women’s Wing is active in many areas of church work. A week in the life of Women’s Wing Women can include Prayer Gatherings, Choir Practice, Cooking for Discipleship Students or Leadership Training, Visitation or Preaching the Gospel. These activities happen locally or out in the villages as a part of outreach.   VISION Women’s Wing’s vision is …

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Youth Wing

Youth Wing’s vision is to empower ourselves through Self Sustaining Skills Training, Agriculture Activities, Video Production, Pastoral Training and HIV/AIDS Campaigns. Youth Wing uses a variety of activities and faces a number of challenges. 

Church Photos

Our webpage is developing. Photos are available on the pages of our church section. Check back later for new photos from church work. Conferences Churches Pastors, Leaders  

MBA Pastors

MBA the Denomination

Mpongwe Baptist Association (MBA) is a denomination of 163 local churches and 14.000 members in the following regions Copperbelt Province: Luanshya district, Mpongwe District, Lufwanyama District Central Province: Kapiri-Mponshi District North-western province (planned expansion) The Association is organized into wings: Women’s wing Youth wing Sunday School wing Pastors Council Evangelism Group MBA supports the work of the …

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Mpongwe Baptist Church 2008

Church Life

Giving Hope to Rural Zambians The churches of MBA are rural churches serving their surrounding villages. Only a handful of MBA churches are located in urban areas. Most churches have between 70 – 250 members. Growing beyond 200 members is rare and the reason is practical. Churches are located in sparsely populated areas and the distance it …

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